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Welcome to the Construction Management Simulator by Matterhorn Business Solutions.
The city has zoned the land, the developer has provided the plans to Borger Earthworks to level the land. Borger Underground has completed all the deep utilities and shallows. The lots are ready with a new foundation. You just need to manage your company.
In Construction Management Simulator, you are not overly concerned with your crew - that's the foreman's job. You aren't even concerned with your foreman, that's the supervisor's job. Your focus is growing the company, understanding the financials, dealing with your VP of Operations, your CFO, marketing, HR, and I.T.
Construction Management Simulator, is not a construction simulator, there are no dozer or crane controls, no blueprints, just management. One of the reason's so many construction companies fail is that the owners are construction guys, not managers. When they start their own company, construction guys - or gals, are forced in to the manager role - often with disastrous results.
Currently, we are in Version 0.9 of Construction Management Simulator so there are many elements not yet activated. When this simulator is completed you will fully understand how all the events within your company hit the balance sheet. You'll know what information you get from as Income Statement, or a Statement of Shareholders Equity.
This simulator is based on David Howse's time as a consultant for several construction companies in Calgary, Alberta. He has seen the good times and the bad.